March 14th, 2023 – Proofpoint Inc partnered with InternetNow to discuss how ‘Human error still accounts for nearly 95% of all cybersecurity incidents’ – Carpenter, P. (2022).

Eugene Lin, Regional Sales Director of Proofpoint Inc discussed the need for organisations to amend their cybersecurity strategies to include their employees. At the same time, he also shared how Proofpoint is able to identify the riskiest users and users that are constantly being targeted by cybercriminals.

Ilyas Sapiyan, Managing Director of InternetNow, shared how we can help organisations to manage their cybersecurity awareness training, which maximizes concept retention while saving valuable costs and manpower. This service by InternetNow is fully HRDC-Claimable.

We also had a lucky draw session, giving away attractive prizes. Congratulations to the winners.