Existing users of MailNow! may download the latest update below.

Full installer (83.5MB) Download | Upgrading is easy. Here’s how…

Full installer with required prerequisites and virus pattern. Suitable for first time installation or upgrading from MailNow! 4 or older. No separate download for prerequisites needed.

Minimum installer (31.9MB) Download | Upgrading is easy. Here’s how…

Compact installer without prerequisites and virus pattern. Suitable for upgrading from existing versions of MailNow! 5. Any missing prerequisites are only downloaded when needed.



  1. Fixed a bug where in UltraSE, a folder in the main level could not have a sub-folder.
  2. Fixed a bug where migrating from MailNow! 4 to MailNow! 5 UltraSE would not work if there were users in MailNow! 4 with no Email in their mailbox.
  3. Fixed a bug whereby in replying emails, a malformed HTML tag in the email body could issue an error.


New Features:

  1. Added a security feature to enforce password policies. These policies are:
    • Forbidding common passwords
    • Enforcing minimum length of 8 characters
    • Minimum requirement of one alphabet, one number and one special
  2. Added the ability to whitelist a sender’s email right from the email preview pane.
  3. Added the ability to whitelist a sender’s email or domain by clicking on “Not Junk” button.


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