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Visit the Post

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Step 2

Tag as many HR Professionals in the ‘Comments’ section.

Step 3

Like, Share & Send the Post to HR Professionals.

Come visit our Booth!

at the National Human Capital Conference & Exhibition (NHCCE) on the 29th and 30th of November 2022, to learn more about this training.

More info:

Terms and Conditions


EMPLOYEE’s negligence and/or lack of awareness remains the biggest security weakness in most organisations!

What is Security AwarenessNow?

It is a fully-managed cybersecurity training service that is designed to prepare your employees for today’s sophisticated cyberattacks via e-learning.


Managed & Customized Training: Improving Awareness
Measurable Outcome
HRDC Claimable

Tap into this source of budget for effective and measurable results.

We have successfully delivered this service by customizing the training to address our client’s requirements.