Existing users of MailNow! may download the latest update below.

Full installer (83.5MB) Download | Upgrading is easy. Here’s how…

Full installer with required prerequisites and virus pattern. Suitable for first time installation or upgrading from MailNow! 4 or older. No separate download for prerequisites needed.

Minimum installer (31.9MB) Download | Upgrading is easy. Here’s how…

Compact installer without prerequisites and virus pattern. Suitable for upgrading from existing versions of MailNow! 5. Any missing prerequisites are only downloaded when needed.


New Feature:

  1. Ultra Storage Engine. Ultra storage engine makes Mailnow a lot faster and enhances the whole user experience. This version will be installed by default if its a fresh installation of MailNow. During the installation process it will detect if the previous MailNow is using the older storage engine, and if so it uses the older storage engine. Of course older MailNow users have the option to use the new storage engine by migrating all their mailbox to new version.


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