Valued customers and resellers,
Real Time Black List (RBL) are databases available online that ANTI-SPAM solutions CONSULTS. |
The fixed IP of your mail server will be blocked by these ANTI-SPAM solutions if RBL reports that the IP is in the database.
Any company that uses these solutions in ANTI-SPAM or firewall will not receive your email. Your IP is considered as BLACKLISTED.
De-listing your IP will takes days or even weeks. |
What causes it? |

Any compromised PC/notebook in office with malware could sent out thousands of emails. This is known as a spambot/zombie participant. An email account could have been hacked and used to send out spams.
Solution |
Hide your fixed IP by sending out using a secure set of IPs |
Use an outgoing filter system that checks and count your emails to see if they are behaving like a bot/zombie/auto spams. |
Notify you immediately of the situation and stop spams from going out further. You can identify the compromised pc/notebook/mailbox |
The public and hijackers will never see your public IP and minimizes any attempt to hack your email accounts |
Call InternetNow for consultation and technical investigation, we have effective solutions to prevent your IP being blacklisted ever again. |