Dear <name>,

Why is the cloud the best offsite backup location for you?

But first lets make something clear :

There are only a few real cloud players in the market that offer third party development.

Why is hosting with few servers is not the same?

Hosting is great for websites and other services but for backup, it could not match the real cloud providers.

Consider the following :

(Click to enlarge)

The lines at hosting centres are not Unifi lines, they are expensive leased lines.

Assuming there are 5 customers running 20 MB Unifi lines trying to backup to a 5 MB leased line in the hosted servers, what do you think the speed would be? SLOW.

On the contrary for Google Cloud that CloudBackupNow! uses, the bandwidth is designed for worldwide access and usage. Google fiber for example, boast a speed of 100 times faster than any broadband available today.

How many backup do you think the hosted servers could provide?

In CloudBackupNow! even if the entire datacentre goes down, your backup data would still be available. Why? This is because data in Google cloud are replicated across centres.

Why is hosting with few servers is not the same?


If you backup to TAPES or hard disks, who would be responsible to carry them out of office to a secure offsite location?

Consider the following :


How much is the actual total lost in terms of man power, space and time?

With CloudBackupNow!
it only costs RM 200 a month
for 100 GB backup.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us NOW for more details!

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